Evil Financial Advisor brainwashes you into her mindless money slave (mesmerize, findomme, financial domination, pocket watch, lipstick kisses)
From: A Femdom POV Brainwashing (154 Clips)



“Mentalist Skyla 3 – Financial Advisor” Who do you trust when it comes to investing your hard earned money? Must be some one you trust. One look into Skyla’s deep blue eyes, you would know she is the one you trust wtih everything you own. Once you look at Skyla’s swinging pocket watch, you will trust her for the rest of your life. Skyla Bleu is the only financial advisor you can trust, no one else but Skyla Bleu. You must give her everything.

youtube excerpt

(Spoiler Alert)

Meet Skyla Bleu, professional financial advisor. You were looking for someone to help manage your money, but you don’t know who to trust. So you go to a professional wealth management firm, as soon as you walked into her office, your jaws dropped. It’s a beautiful blonde bombshell dressed in black.

Still, you are looking for someone more conservative when it comes to investment, no sure if Skyla is really your type. Skyla explained to you that she had a lot of rich clients, and they all trust her with their money. Little did you know Skyla is manipulating your mind with covert programming NLP. After listening intensely to Skyla’s voice, you have this relaxed docile look on your face.

You knew this is not the right situation for you, when Skyla talks about how her rich clients willingly give up control of their finances, you tried to resist her dominating with her personality and mind twisting language. But when Skyla asked you to look into her deep blue eyes, and her perfectly lipsticked lips. You feel your mind weakened and you became submissive. This is when Skyla tricked you into giving her all your financial information.

This is when Skyla made the suggestion that you should invest in some high risk products, most of them will profit Skyla as an agent. You try very hard to resist this onslaught of mental domination. This when Skyla takes out a pocket watch, and swings it back and forth infront of your eyes. Deep inside you knew what is happening to you, this crazy women is trying to trance you, but you are unable to resist. Succumbing to her mind controlling spell.

Once you close your eyes, Skyla takes you deep under her spell, waking up and puting you under again, planting varies triggers in your mind. She plant a trigger in your mind that would force you to verbally agree with everything she said, whether you want to or not.

Noticing your obviously lipstick fetish, Skyla triggered you into very submissive by staring at her beautiful full lips. Each time she blows you a kiss, you will be unable to resist her command. She takes your mind and body through a wide range of humiliating tasks, the same a stage mentalist would do to her victims. She makes you lick your shoes like an ice cream cone, and program your body like a robot. In order to show you how much power she has over you, she made you physically take out your wallet, pull out all your money, and hand them to her. Your credit cards too. Your bank account too. You know you are screwed. She can command you to come back to her office anytime she wants, and there is nothing you can to do stop her. You are now totally under her control. Skyla plays with your memory, making you forget how much money you gave her, make you forget how much money you actually have, or how much money keep in your secret account.

Soon, your entire vision became blurry, your mind is blank, you are totally open to SKyla’s programming. You now belong to Skyla. While in this deep trance state, Skyla forced you to give up all control, destroyed your ability to make decisions for yourself, turned you into nothing but a drooling brainwashed drone. Your wallet will be drained, your bank account will be drained, your life saving will be drained. It excited Skyla to see a powerful man like you putty in her hands, totally zombified and under her control.

At the end, after becoming completely dominated by this blonde bombshell. You have given everything to her, your house, your money, your car. You are nothing but her ATM now, whenever she wants money, she will just blows you a kiss, and you will have no choice but to give her what she wants. Your purpose in life is to serve Skya, your purpose in life is to provide for Skyla, your purpose in life is to give her money.

Just a hour ago, you were an powerful man, financially conservative and independent thinking. Now you are nothing but a financial slave to a blonde girl. Forever under her control. Completely zombified, brainwashed and mindless.

Warning this is the ultimate hour long financial domination session. Designed with realism in mind, written by experimental psychologist and professional stage mentalists. It will make you feel as if you are in the same room with a beautiful, cunning, intelligent financial advisor. Skyla superior language skills means she will never raise her voice or physically punishing. You will just be in a restful daze, getting kisses from her beautiful lips, yet unable to stop yourself from giving her everything. Very rarely do you find a financial domination artist with this level of beauty and intelligence in combination. Perfect mesmerize session you can watch over and over again.

Keywords: money domme, findomme, financial domination, goddess worshop, blonde goddess, fur fetish, lipstick fetish, opera gloves, pocket watch, mind control, brainwashing, femdom, femdom pov, powerful woman, human atm.
Price: $49.99 USD
Length: 76 minutes
Size: 1704 MB
Format: MP4
Resolution: 1280×720
Added: 2/29/20 10:11PM

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